Speaker  Coach  Facilitator

A drop creates a ripple.
A ripple can change everything.


A drop can be an act, a conversation or a decision. A ripple occurs when that drop makes an impact on a person, a team, a company or an organization.

I find joy in helping others discover how they can have the greatest possible impact (i.e. create the most ripples) in their work and professional relationships. I seek to help others act with purpose to move their organizations forward with competence, character and commitment.

I believe we are each a result of our experiences, interactions, relationships and mindset. I am on a journey to understand more about the connection between our experiences, the way we choose to conduct ourselves in the world and the way we adapt and learn.

We all have defining moments that have a disproportionate impact on us. This website is a platform to share mine with you as part of this journey. My hope is that I will inspire you to share some of your own defining moments.

Before we begin, here’s a bit about me.

Shakeel Bharmal

Work matters

  • I think of myself as a curious listener who finds joy in inspiring, coaching and teaching

  • I am an experienced business and non-profit leader with over 15 years at the senior management level

  • I have driven revenue growth by focusing on customer value creation combined with operational execution

  • I have led start-ups, process and organizational transformations, product launches and turn-arounds


Family matters

  • I have been married for almost 25 years and have two teenage boys; the eldest is at university.

  • My mom was very influential in the way I think about life, but I didn’t realize how much so until after she passed away.

  • My older brother was a big influence when I was young and set an example of achievement and leadership.

  • Working with my dad in the family business during my teen years and early 20’s shaped how I show up in my work today.

  • I have a large extended family of aunts, uncles and cousins. There is nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.


Experience Matters

I am the result of my experiences. Over the last 30 years I have learned from incredible job experiences, across multiple industries. I have travelled to or worked in 21 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

Shakeel Bharmal - Experience

Through these experiences, I have been lucky enough to work with talented people. I am grateful to have been part of their lives and even more grateful for what they have brought to mine.





My experiences have been instrumental in forming my views of the world, people and relationships. Here is a current list of things I believe. It is not comprehensive.

  1. People have the answer to their own challenges; they don’t need to be told, they need to be supported to discover it for themselves.

  2. Many of our everyday conflicts are caused because we judge others based on our own life lessons, experiences and value drivers.

  3. Putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes is the most powerful way to reduce conflict in our everyday relationships. Sounds easy but it takes effort.

  4. We need to ask more questions, listen harder to the answers and confirm our understanding more often.

  5. To be relevant, you have to understand and care about what matters to others and what matters to the people they care about. Speak to them in terms that matter to them. Work harder to be interested than you do to be interesting.

  6. Be vulnerable. If you are struggling with or anxious about how you think someone is going to react to something difficult you need to say, tell them first that you are anxious. Sharing in your common humanity is the best way to reduce the anxiety.

  7. When something goes wrong, before asking whose fault it is, ask what you could have done differently to change the outcome. Own and embrace your mistakes. There is nothing wrong with failure but it's a tragedy not to learn from our failures.

  8. The best facilitators are invisible. It can be difficult but, if one can resist the temptation to give all the answers and be the centre of attention, amazing things can happen.

  9. The greatest and most sophisticated intellect is demonstrated by simplicity. Persuasion by building a loyalty to your logic, in an easy-to-understand way, is the most powerful persuasion.

  10. Embrace every experience. Even the most unattractive opportunities and difficult people can be the source of immense learning.

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Reach out if you are interested in connecting.

Shakeel Bharmal

Available for speaking engagements, one-on-one and group coaching and facilitation.

The Summit Group

Affiliate of The Summit Group, a leading provider of value creation and business acumen training for sales people and relationship managers

The Ivey Academy

Core member of the Ivey Academy Coaching Network , a group of experienced coaches supporting leaders as they learn to navigate the challenge of addressing society’s issues and opportunities...with competence, character and commitment.